My Writings

Here is a selection of stuff I have written. It includes stories, poems, and many other types of writing.



My very favorite things to write are--you guessed it--fictitious stories. Here are some of the stories that I have written over the past several years.

Short Stories

Regression - age 14

This was written for my writing class. Assigned to "write a story about improvement to humans", I wrote about a girl with CF undergoing gene therapy...

To Live in Dreams - age 14

For This is My Place - age 14

Living in the Shadows - age 15

These two are short-story retellings of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Rapunzel, respectively. They all take the viewpoint of a secondary character in each story and show how her life was affected by the fairy tale.

The Storyteller - age 15


Eleanor: A Retelling of the story Cinderella – age 11

This is pretty self-explanitory. This story was a gift for the Greenwood girls before they moved.

The Princess in the Tower – age 8

The Princess in the Tower II – age 12

These two are original 'novels' I wrote for my friend Meagan, starring two of my inhaled medicines as the villains.

A Prisoner of Evil - age 13

This is my first real, full-length novel. Ringing in at 203 pages, it is my greatest pride. It's a rewrite of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" - with a few changes! My dad bound this book for me for my birthday.


My second favorite thing to write is poetry, although I normally wait for the inspiration--as that always turns out the best poems! Here are some that I have written.

Before Age Fourteen

Autumn's Brilliance

As I sit here, Coughing and Crying

The Song of the Pioneer

In Mother's Arms

The Dance


At or After Age Fourteen



Beautiful Danger

The Swing

Thoughts for a Snowy Day

The Battle of Caran Tidd: A Nonsensical Poem

Eleandred: or, For the Love of Katrina: A Tragic Comedy


Here is a small selection of my better school assignments - personal narratives, essays, papers, etc.

Personal Narrative: My First Concert – age 11

Research Paper: Women in Victorian England – age 13

Editorial: Roadside Trash – age 14

Persuasive Essay: Courtship vs. Dating – age 14



For more of my written works, check out:

Me on FanFiction.Net
(Fan Fiction)

Me on FictionPress.Net
(Original Fiction)

My Writing Journal
(Stories, poetry, character explorations, etc.)

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