Once long ago, in a faraway land

In a place called Eleandred

Dwelt one Lady Katrina –

Golden-haired lady Katrina –

And the Duke Ryllid, who she was to wed.



Now Katrina’d once lived in a village

A small village, by name Faramour

But Ryllid laid eyes on Katrina –

The luminous Lady Katrina –

And commanded she be with him evermore.



Katrina delcared she’d not have him because

He was a cold man and proud

But angrily he told Katrina –

Strong-willed Lady Katrina –

Said she’d come with him, be to him avowed.



Then sallying forth to Eleandred

He smirked and he smiled with glee

And locked up the Lady Katrina –

His beautiful Lady Katrina –

Till she’d say that his bride she would be.



Then one hot day a lad came a-riding

To fight for the unhappy maid

For he, too, loved Katrina –

Sweet-tempered Lady Katrina –

So he gallantly challenged Ryllid.



Backwards and forwards and sideways they fought

Along a narrow cliff edge

All this, for the hand of Katrina –

Terrified Lady Katrina –

Who waited in Eleandred.



Soon the Duke Ryllid had driven the lad

Back to the rocky cliff’s edge

And he smiled and thought of Katrina –

His lovely Lady Katrina –

As he thrust the boy off from the ledge.



But even as he began falling

The lad grasped the lace of Ryllid’s pantleg

And they fell, for the love of Katrina –

All for the Lady Katrina –

Who waits still, in Eleandred.