A nonsensical poem
The sky was blark, the skubbits hid
‘Neath quite largesome greyish stones
While the peoplefolk of Caran Tidd
Scurbled quickly to their homes.
Squiddenly the sky was filled
With rumblous stormy rouds that blew
And from these rouds great raindrops fropped
Upon the lebra and the zicker-zew.
Then crawing hard, the kippsens flew
Above the stroads of Caran Tidd
Screamching loud their horful song
Winging fiercely as they did.
"Alas! Alas!" the people craimed,
Barring tight their heavy doors,
"Soon our town no more will be,
"The orken will bring marningtors."
"Nay, nay" replied one bold-of-heart,
"We shall not let the kippsens in,
"With blade of steel and brower too,
"We will fight, and we will win."
So gathering their browers
And the fearsome spords of steel
The peoplefolk of Caran Tidd
Hurried forth with zeal.
The kippsens saw and, wheeling hihg,
Readied for the smeak attack,
Brandishing their evlous claws
Their orntum garl, their eyes jet-black.
A shout went up—the kippsens swopped—
The people lifted up their spord
And, srunging forth like angry bees
They fought with one accord.
When orken came the kippsens reft,
Once more the sky ‘came glassy clear
Not a shadow now remained
Of the all-consuming previous fear.
"Hooray! Hooray! O Wondrous Day!"
The people cried aloud,
"Nary a sign of kippsen large
"Or rumblous stormy roud."
And to this day in Caran Tidd
The peoplefolk are safe and proud
Telling tales of their ancestors
Defeating kippsen and rumblous stormy roud.
For "The Battle of Caran Tidd"
Blark – a deep navy color
Skubbit – a creature park SKUNK, part RABBIT
Scurbled – a fast ungainly run, something between a SCRAMBLE and SCURRY.
Squiddenly – very unexpected.
Rumblous – loud
Roud – a large dark raincloud
Fropped – to fall from the sky
Lebra – a horselike animal, striped black and gold, with a mane similar to a lion’s.
Zicker-zew – an animal something like a pig, something like a duck, and something like an elephant.
Crawing – a loud obnoxious screeching somewhere between a hoarse CAW and a wailing CRY.
Kippsen – an enormous bird, weighin up to 100 lbs, with brilliant purple plumage that is seen and heard only during fierce thunderstorms.
Orken – very, very early in the morning; meaning literally "Hearken to the Snores".
Marningtors – tears of morning
Brower – bow and arrow
Spord – A long blade
Mame – came marching
Orntum – sharp, hooked beak
Reft – retreated
Garl - fierce